Continuous Auto Focus on Micro- Fourthirds; My experience Daniel Cox, a very highly accomplished photographer ( Naturalexposures.com ) has helped numerous photographers, myself included, to lessen the load of my photo gear while traveling. However, smaller form factor can bring about other limitations and compromises. Foremost, among them has been the criticism that micro four thirds (MFT) cameras were not capable of fast action photography... This myth has been shattered by the introduction of newer models of MFT cameras (Panasonic and Olympus) capable of continuous autofocus for shooting fast action. The speeding pooch test outlined by Dan ( http://naturalexposures.com/panasonic-lumix-gh4/ ) poses a significant challenge to the photographer and the predictive autofocus system of any camera. I ran these tests on my MFT equipment for the following reasons: to understand and optimize the settings of the equipment I own compare the performance of the 2 cameras, so that ...